A bunch of sewing

What you see here are all of my recent sewing. Just a sample of my sewing.

What the common thread about these pieces new clothes are these are patterns that I’ve upsized because I’ve put on weight through a few reasons but I’ve used my pattern ‘drafting’ skills to not buy new patterns to sew clothes that fit me.

This year, the key point I’m sharing is that I sew for my current body shape. Why I got to this size isn’t the point of this post or my sewing.

I’m at the point where how I see myself is about what I want to achieve in life and making sure I look after my whole self.

Applying simple maths to make a smaller size pattern to fit your current body is how I’ve started making the patterns I love, fit my current body.

That’s all.


    • Our skill to alter patterns is really important that people overlook. I’m happy to make sure others know altering patterns for your body shape is another way to be happy with who you are right now.


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