Tech notes: Equestrian tail coat blouse

Here’s the Equestrian tail coat blouse that I wanted to create for my February Minerva make.

I decided to use a basic McCalls blouse pattern as the basis instead of finding the exact pattern.
So the test version above confirmed the fit and then I did a rough redraft of the neckline based on my line drawing.
Line drawings are not my forte but they help plan projects

I’ve folded the neckline to a v, then drafted new facings

There are no sleeves on the equestrian blouse, so bias made from the same polycotton fabric was used to finish the armholes.

These are the strips for the ruffle and pin tuck trims. The trim width was a ‘guestimate’.

Then I had to create the ruffle and pin tuck trim. 

The trim edging was roll-hemmed.

The trims took 3 hours to make. There was a lot of thinking and testing time involved.
The final hurdle was figuring out how/when to add these trims to the actual shirt. 

I’ve laid the trim over the test shirt above to get an idea of trim length required.

It’s all part of the fun:)

Above is the work in progress blouse. 

The toughest part wasn’t pinning the hem up for the hip detailing. The hardest decision was how to sew on the ruffle and pin tuck trim.

You’ll see the finished pieces later this week. 

Apologies to my dear IG peeps. You’ve already seen this blouse in the making. #Thursday!


  1. I decided to try another style to see if it worked for me. No planned event really just taking on a different style and adapting it to my height and shape.


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